The Report: Algeria 2007Construction and Real Estate

« Emerging Algeria 2007 »
The Algerian state has been constructing affordable housing for its citizens ever sinœ the country became independent. The need to cut costs has generally resulted in massive straight-lined apartment blocks, easily recognisable by their rather grim and rigid façades. Today’s government-built apartement blocks differ little from those constructs in the past, as contractors resort to the same techniques that allow thern to build housing blocks fast and with basic technology, hence keeping costs low.
According to Hamid Zeggane, managing architect at BATIVERT, Algeria’s leading private supplier of scaffolding, much of the issue stems from the fact that Algeria’s housing policy is based on an impersonal vision. « We need an approach that is focused on sustainable development » instead of packing as many people as possible into a limited space, » he said indeed, a number of industry insiders are wary that the decision to step up the construction of high-rise housing complexes might be a signal that the state is giving up on its ambition to develop the country’s high plateaus so as to reduce the overload in the coastal region and especially in the greater Algiers. Zeggane advocates adopting a housing policy based on a genuine town-planning strategy.
But with tenders focused on getting the lowest possible price, there is little room for refinement and originality . Large contractors conducting housing programmes are mostly geared towards achieving high productivity. At the expense of quality and design according to Zeggane, not enough resources go towards architecture and design studies. At the Ministry of Housing, though officials are quick to point out that high rise buildings are Just one answer housing challenge, and should be used in conjunction with regenerating the existing urban fabric through renovation programmes and developing new areas.
Yet the construction industry could definitely give aesthetics more importance, not only in terms of creating a sense of community and neighbourhood but also in terms of boosting the commercial success of any development project. To invest and construct in Algeria, awareness of the country’s traditional forms of architecture is an asset, as much of this was either lost or ignored during it the race to create affordable housing.